You Cant Keep It Unless You Give it Away

Apa yang kita tahu itu yang akan kita bagi..... dengan berbagilah kami akan semakin belajar, dengan berbagilah kami akan semakin termotivasi, dan dengan berbagi pula kami akan semakin sadar bahwa kami bukan apa-apa.

Adiksifitas Foundation

Counseling Services, Treatment and Rehabilitation, After Care Services and Vocational Learning, Support Group.

"... In this Ground , I can Take root and growth, Not alone anymore as in death... But alive to myself and Others"

Selasa, 17 Januari 2012


"When you feels stuck and Hopeless, Flip a Coin
At least when the coin is in the air, You Know exactly what you hope for"

Pengalihan bukanlah sebuah Pelarian... Pengalihan sama seperti pernyataan diatas, koin yang digambarkan merupakan media pengalihan saat kita dihadapi masalah. lantas tujuan dari pngalihan itu sndiri apa?
Ada yg pernah bilang, ada 2 pilihan saat lo dihadapin masalah :
1. Finish the Problem whatever Your Situation
2. Heal your Emotion 

Diversion berguna utk statement yg kedua, dengan hrapan setelah emosinya stabil, kita bisa ngeliat masalah secara lebih objektif en nyeleseinnya dengan cara yg paling proper

Banyak dari kita trmasuk gw sndiri hanya trfokus pada cara untuk bs kluar dari permasalahan, tanpa bisa menyeimbangkan dengan emosi diri saat itu, hal ky gini juga yg bikin gw ngambil keputusan yg salah dulu setiap kali dihadepin sama masalah.

Pikir, Rasa, Tindakan... Gmn mau mikir jernih kalo masih marah2, gmn mau sabar kalo pikiran negatif mulu, dll....
Every little step you take have to be progression... 
Every single breath you take have to shown patience
Every words you say have to be postive

Recovery is a part of life ,, its not an event or destination.. it have no time limited, that's why we need to be creative to deal with it.. open minded and think different... when you think different, you'll be Unusual NOT As Usual... that's creative means.
People will laugh at u, cause you are Unusual
Just remember people laugh at wright brothers when they hve a dream that people can fly,, now u see we have an airplane
Just remember a teacher say edison is too stupid,, now we have an electricity

Creative idea is the most expensive talent and it priceless.
Its a habit not an intelectual.

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