You Cant Keep It Unless You Give it Away

Apa yang kita tahu itu yang akan kita bagi..... dengan berbagilah kami akan semakin belajar, dengan berbagilah kami akan semakin termotivasi, dan dengan berbagi pula kami akan semakin sadar bahwa kami bukan apa-apa.

Adiksifitas Foundation

Counseling Services, Treatment and Rehabilitation, After Care Services and Vocational Learning, Support Group.

"... In this Ground , I can Take root and growth, Not alone anymore as in death... But alive to myself and Others"

Kamis, 26 Januari 2012

No Free Lunch

There will be No Free Lunch in this World. No one will give something without expectation.

Colonialisme, has explore our nature resources, They know exactly that our country is one of the potential country to explore (mine, forest, oil, etc.)

Since portuguese landed till japan come to Indonesia, they do anything to get our resources. They have knowledge to do that, and they know so easy for them to apply "Devide at Impera".

We thought we have free since 17 august 1945... from old school colonialism maybe, But Not from New era colonialism.

So many funding and support (money) from International organization (environment, human right, drugs, women and children, etc.). My question is, do they give that for free? I mean will they "Really Help".. Cause for me Help doesn't need agreement, help doesn't need requirement.

So what they hope from us with their support or funding in Indonesia? I'm not sure either, but what I know for know, at least they're able to dictate us to do what they want. Do this, Do that with their way and their policy.

You know what... Just go to hell with your aid. Take your lunch and get out.

The only problem is only "Mental Slavery" that comes from our people. no one will reject the money, they effort to pay.

Better to be a Mouse in Head Parts, than a Tiger in the kink Tail.

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